Interior / Architectural design

Commune Design Limited

  • Designer(s)

    Alex SIU

  • Client Profile

    Interior Design & Construction

  • Target Markets

    Corporate Clients, Consumers, General Public, Male Market, Female Market, Parent-Child Family Market, Elderly Market

  • Awards

    1). DIP Center at CITA (Winner of Interior Design Contest by HKDC)
    2). DIP Center at HYR (Winner of Interior Design Contest by HKDC)
    3). Saloon Barber Shop
    4). Hua Yah Plaza Wine Shop at Foshan
    5). Time Out Table (Furniture Design)

  • Website

  • Email

  • Tel

    98634091/ 34858929

Commune Design

We believe that a good design should not be one-way to designer-led, but also it should to communicate with different people to interact or gather everyone's point of view, from a multi-point of view to find an innovative idea. Commune's hope to build a communication platform with public for the design discussion, collect everyone's point of view into the innovative thinking, to collage more possibility of design.

Media Clippings:
1: Commune Facebook Fanpage    2: Commune Facebook Fanpage