Branding / Packaging

Colorholic Gossip

  • Designer(s)

    Rita Lin

  • Client Profile

    Banking & Finance, China Assignments, Education, Hotel Entertainment and Tourism, Information Technology & Telecom, Interior Design & Construction, Manufacturing, Overseas Assignments, Property, Public Sector, Retail Marketing & Services, Social Services

  • Target Markets

    Corporate Clients, Consumers, General Public, Male Market, Female Market, Parent-Child Family Market, Elderly Market

  • Awards

    長沙(國際)動漫遊戲展「香港館」 澳門國際品牌連鎖加盟展/ 香港國際茶展「品牌管理及包裝設計專區」參展商/「相。信。愛」情滿家園系列活動2017 環保袋平面設計比賽全場季軍/CWHK44 原創Character設計大賽優異獎 (第2名)/Fillens「myfirst exhibition」- Photography Award「Olympus摯愛大賞」 入選 Swatch MAXI LoveArt Design Competition Top 10 Best Design

  • Website

  • Email

  • Tel


Colorholic Gossip provide Creative Idea, Quality Design & Efficient Service to our valuable clients.We believe branding is the core of a business. How you nourish is how the fruit becomes. Our mission is to invert creation which does not consist of aesthetic visual but most importantly a strong and clear message delivered by eye-catching and colorful approach.We do not blindly insist creativity but also balance with marketing purpose. We hope we can grow with our client by helping them to develop their business in long term.

Our services included Character Licensing, Branding Management, UI/UX development, Animation and Graphic production. From concept development, brand strategy to visual production, we provide a comprehensive and perfectly customized marketing package for our clients. We are sure advertising is a very effective way to raise brand awareness and hence increase sales.
Colorholic Gossip also provide licenses and products with our original design characters Plump Planet (多肉小星球). These succulent plant characters are brave, smart cheerful plant with an attitude. We hope to distribute a positive and happy characteristic via their story and crossover cooperative marketing campaign. Plump Planet brand offers wide range of product for daily use and welcome all kinds of licensing cooperation.