Visual / Spatial arts


  • Designer(s)

    Ruby Chui, Erica Chan

  • Client Profile

    China Assignments, Hotel Entertainment and Tourism, Information Technology & Telecom, Overseas Assignments, Retail Marketing & Services, IP

  • Target Markets

    Corporate Clients, Consumers, General Public, Male Market, Female Market, Parent-Child Family Market, Elderly Market

  • Design Experience

    Design research & innovation, Character design & licening, Digital communication design, User experience design, Concept ideation & branding

  • Website

  • Email

  • Tel


Brandnographer™ is a vivid insight consultancy specializing in ethnography, design research and innovation. Our team own the largest ethnographers network across APAC region. Powered by design thinking, our Brandnographers keep digging in the field to nurture most fruitful insight.