What’s New

DIP Happenings

  • HKTDC Entrepreneur Day


    DIP was one of the exhibitors in the 10th HKTDC Entrepreneur Day 2018, which featured over 270 exhib...

  • DIP Briefing to ACG Plus Capital Monthly Meeting


    In order to promote DIP, Mr Frank Leung, Senior Consultant of DIP, visited ACG Plus Capital their Ma...

  • Visit to The 14th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair 2018


    In order to understand more about the current China market and explore potential business, incubatee...

  • Visit to L plus H Factory


    On 4 May, around 20 participants including 5 DIP incubatees, visited the L plus H Fashion Factory, a...

  • Quarterly Networking Session


    Three speakers were invited to join the Quarterly Networking Session held at DIP Wong Chuk Hang Cent...

  • 3D Printing Workshop


    A talk on “3D Printing Workshop” was hosted on 13 Apr at DIP CITA Centre.  Mr Edwar...

  • Introduction Seminar of Digital Asset Management to Design Start-ups


    A sharing on Digital Asset Management was held on 12 Apr afternoon at DIP WCH Centre. Mr Luke Li, So...

  • Crisis and Emergence Seminars


    “Crisis & Emergence Seminars” were held on 20 & 27 Mar at DIP CITA and WCH Centr...